In this lesson we will look at:
a. The Great Tribulation:
1. Abomination that causes desolation.
2. Jerusalem is surrounded by armies.
3. The time of the Gentile is completed.
b. The Second Coming of the Son of Man – In sequence
c. Introduction to “The lesson of the Fig tree. “
1. All These things.
2. This Generation – What Generation?
3. NOTE: We will go into a deeper study of this topic in an upcoming lesson.
d. The day and the hour.
1. Only the Father knows.
e. Introduction to “the day of Noah and Lot:”
1. Increase of wickedness.
2. Remember Lot’s wife.
3. NOTE: We will go into a deeper study of this topic in an upcoming lesson.
f. One taken – another left.
g. Direction to Watch!
1. My Father’s house.
h. Parables that explain further the message from Jesus:
1. My Master is staying away.
2. In the evening … at midnight… at dawn.
3. You do not know on what day.
4. An hour when you do not expect Him.
5. Day will close on you unexpectedly.
6. Escape all that is about to happen. The Ten Virgins